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Child Psychology (BPS104)



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Find Out What Makes Children Tick

Child psychology is concerned with child development from birth to adolescence. It examines attachments to significant others, how they communicate their needs, and explore their environment.

This course enables students to learn how children develop psychologically and what factors (such as learning, parenting styles, reinforcement, and genetic makeup) influence their behaviour and thinking. People live or work with children will gain valuable insights into child behaviour. Students of counselling or psychology will be better prepared to understand childhood influences on later adult behaviour.


What the Course Covers

There are twelve lessons:
1. Introduction to Child Psychology
2. The Newborn Infant
3. States and Senses of the Infant
4. Learning
5. Emotions and Socialisation
6. Cognitive Development
7. Language Development
8. Intelligence
9. Socialisation Part A
10. Morality
11. Socialisation Part B
12. Sexuality


Study when, where and however much you want. For most students, the course can be completed with a total of around 100 hours of study; and a commitment close to that may be needed to achieve desired learning outcomes.

Extra Reading

The following books, available through this web site are relevant supplementary reading for this course

    Counselling Handbook
    Family and Relationships Counselling
    Helping People Cope with Grief or Crisis
    Coping Better with Negative Emotions


Self Assessment Tests are presented throughout the course. These are essentially an automated quiz. When you undertake a "SAT" or "Self Assessment Test", you will be able to see what you got correct, and what was incorrect; and in that way, you can identify your weaknesses.

Assignments are given at the end of each lesson. You should complete this assignment, paying careful attention to follow what is asked of you. It can be just as important to learn to work to specification, as it is to learn about the topic you are studying. Graduates who develop a habit of working to specification in the field of counselling, will impress employers, and will be more efficient when self employed.

A Final Exam is offered upon satisfactory completion of all assignments. This is optional. If you choose to apply for and do this exam, you will have the possibility of obtaining a "formal credit" or "Pass Certification" for this course. A fee applies. The exam may be sat under prearranged conditions anywhere in the world. This college will award you a formal transcript, upon successful completion of the exam, as proof of your results.

Recognition and Ethics

This college is a member of the ACS Affiliates Network; a group of colleges from several countries, affiliated with each other through ACS Distance Education.. Courses are developed with input from all of these colleges, aspiring to reflect internationally accepted standards and needs.

A strict "No Plagiarism" and "No fraud" policy exists. Assignments are checked for plagiarism, and assignments will not be deemed to have been completed, if work is not your own original creation, and is found to have been copied from elsewhere. If the person doing the course is discovered to be different to the name enrolled, the enrolment and any results will be recorded as invalid and any fees paid will be forfeited.

Refund Policy

A full refund less expenses (up to 15% of fees applied) is provided to anyone wishing to withdraw from a course, within 2 weeks of enrolment. This does not apply after the first assignment has been submitted and marked; or after the two weeks has expired.


We believe that we have an ethical responsibility to make good use of the fees you pay and the time you invest into an education through our college. To this end, our first priority is always your learning. This comes before issues such as formal accreditations, speculative marketing and bureaucratic processes which all too often add considerable costs to the running of colleges, and take resources away from the provision of more valuable services to the student.

This college focuses on facilitating your learning and support to optimise that learning. We recognise that learning is all about improving knowledge and skills in your long term memory. While some colleges may focus on getting you to pass exams, by committing knowledge to short term memory; we understand that such an approach is not true education, and does little to improve your long term career or business prospects.


How This Course Could Help You

This course is going to be of value to anyone who has children or who works with them. It is also very useful for those thinking of a career which involves helping children in any capacity. Professions where an understanding of childhood development and health is important include social worker, youth worker, counsellor, GP, psychologist, child care worker and teacher.    

For those who wish to learn more, study it along with our other child psychology and mental health courses as part of  a certificate or higher level qualification.

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Child Psychology (BPS104) Child Psychology (BPS104)
$680.00 In stock